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Obedient Parents, Bossy Children. A generation that has forgotten parenting for the sake of being friends to their children

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Obedient Parents, Bossy Children. A generation that has forgotten parenting for the sake of being friends to their children

During the last decades, Mexican family values have changed dramatically. In nuclear family patterns, authoritarian parenting has become unduly lenient through the years. This has led to the upbringing of "bossy children';who are commonly apathetic, selfish, demanding, self- centered, and hedonistic.In other words, these kids make the least effort possible and do not accept any kind of impositions.

On this subject, the authors committed themselves to describe different family models through several generations, and identified three types: the silent generation, the obedient parents generation (baby boomers), and the obedient children generation. The authors have analyzed as well the impact exerted by emotional development on children's brain, and the way in which environment influences and even modifies children's behavior.

Based on more than five years of research, this work provides a great support for parents, teachers, and young adults, as it aims at leading us towards a generation of wiser parents and more humane children. This, in turn, will result in the improvement of family relationships.

També disponible en:

1. Society, Family and Moral Values Transformation
2. Obedient Parents Generation
3. Bossy Children Generation
4. Brain Development and Improvement: Effects on Bossy Children
5. Past Wants Become Today's Moral Values
6. Towards a Generation of Wiser Parents and More Humane Children

Editorial: Trillas
ISBN: 9786071702401
Pàgines: 100
Idioma: Anglès
Enquadernació: Rústica

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